FAQs on Cloud Server


1. What is cloud server hosting? Basically, cloud computing is nothing but a set of multiple servers that are connected over the Internet for delivering pooled computing resources that are needed on demand. As opposed to traditional hosting services that limit the use to a single server, the users can access multiple servers and scale ...

Common security myths for EHRs based on cloud computing


The cloud service is well-known in the tech circles as well as beyond it. Due to this, the cloud based applications have become a standard for the go-to business model that is used by software developers. In most cases, the cloud server hosting services are provided to the clients as Software-as-a-Service, more commonly known as ...

Why choose Cloud computing for small Businesses


甚麼是雲端伺服器? 雲端伺服器跟虛擬伺服器有著相類似的伺服器環境,不過雲端伺服器跟虛擬伺服器最大的不同點是雲端伺服器並不像虛擬伺服器那樣把所有資源都放在同一個實體伺服器上,而是採用雲端寄存方法寄放在不同的實體伺服器上,也就是說你可享有每一台實體伺服器上更多的資源,中小企可依據網站流量隨時調整自己的雲端伺服器資源。 雖然雲端伺服器比虛擬伺服器看起來靈活不少,但雲端伺服器並不像虛擬伺服器般富有個性化的彈性。 雲端伺服器比較適合需靈活雲端寄存空間的中小企,允許網站站長隨時依網站流量而做出相應的資源調整。

Why Cloud Computing is Important to Small Businesses?


Cloud computing is here to stay! A technology that was once the stuff dreams are made of is today a reality. The advantages that it brings to the table for business of all scales are tremendous. Imagine not having to setup rows and rows of servers and DR sites for your business continuity. The cost ...

Deciding your cloud computing needs


Remember that awesome deal in the newspaper the other day? It promised a lot and sounded so good! Cloud computing is something like that. The only difference is that whether cloud computing proves to be beneficial for your business and delivers on its promise, is entirely up to you. If you are a business owner, ...

Cloud Computing unleashing your potential


For the technologist, cloud computing represents a commodious opportunity to drive infrastructure efficiencies. Additionally the architectural principles behind cloud offer a completely new business models which, in cases, offers a significant economic benefit. The data centre functions as the fundamental building block for cloud computing. Besides, there is a common layer, it is based on ...

Linux Performance tips


Making your VPS (Virtual Private Server) server as responsive as possible is one of the most demanded queries to be addressed on all forums. VPS servers by built have limited system resources allotted to each virtual server, for instance the allotted RAM is often less than 1 , hence getting the best performance out of ...